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locker room (體育館、游泳池、工廠等的)更衣室。


Reporters are given access to locker rooms for a 45 - minute period before games , but leave 45minutes before games begin 記者們在比賽前有45分鐘可以進入更衣室,但是必須在比賽開始前45分鐘離開。

This was the first rome derby in two years without paolo di canio to charge up the troops in the locker room and on the field 這是兩年來第一次沒有迪卡尼奧在場上和更衣室為我們加油鼓勁的德比

Point guard jason williams emerged from the locker room after monday ' s practice with a compact disc and a homework assignment 周一練習之后,小白領到了一張光盤和一份家庭作業。

The coaching icon was carted to the locker room saturday after one of his own players ran into his left leg 周六,在他的一名隊員撞傷他的左腿之后,這名偶像級教練被送往衣帽間。

There were other sides of him that weren ' t fun to play for : yelling at referees , pouting in the locker room 當然他還有些讓人不太喜歡的地方:對著裁判大喊大叫,在更衣室里板臉。

Houston needs its new pieces to provide scoring and energy without causing headaches in the locker room 休斯敦需要新鮮血液來得分,增加動力,但不需要更衣室里的麻煩制造者。

This game boils down to you better come out of the locker room , get in a stance , and work your butt off 這場比賽可以簡單歸結為,從更衣室出來,擺正自己位置,努力工作。

Fisher , 33 , has been a steadying influence on the court and a calming voice in the locker room 菲舍爾今年33歲,一直在場上發揮著穩定的作用,在更衣室里還有穩重的話語。

When tom walked into the locker room he felt a little out of place , because it was the women ' s locker room 湯姆走進更衣室的時候覺得有點尷尬,因為那是一間女更衣室。

I ran straight for the locker room and sat on the trainer ' s table and waited for the doctors to arrive (我跑進了休息室,坐在理療桌上,等待醫生的到來。 )

In an otherwise vacant locker room , the only other person will have the locker right next to yours 在空置否則更衣室中,只有其他人也會有衣櫥緊挨著你

Kirilenko was helped to the locker room and did not return to the jazz bench 基里連科在別人的幫助下回到了休息室再也沒有回到爵士的板凳上。

Q . harassment in the locker room yesterday ? were people talking about it to you 昨天在更衣間有沒有遇到小麻煩?人們有沒有向你談起呢?

Andy roddick : well , it ' s , i mean ? ? he doesn ' t act high ? and ? mighty in the locker room 嗯,在休息室里他并不是那樣顯得高高在上和強大。

Men ' s locker room 男子更衣室!

Gym locker room 健身房更衣室80

It ' s been reported thatyou like to blast music in your locker room . why 據報道你喜歡鎖在房間里面聽搖滾樂,為什么?

With zidane in the locker room 用頭碰撞。

Iate , sleepin ' in the locker room , 睡在更衣室